The weekend was supposed to be all dedicated to fun, but unfortunately fun was at a dog show this weekend. Currently, I am listening to my puppy named Yoshi mumble in his dreams because right he is a sleep in his kennel dreaming about whatever dogs dream about. It's freaky sometimes when he makes these weird sounds while he is still sleepy plus it's so cute too. Maybe I'll catch it on video and put it on youtube. Anyways back to the topic.
The Foundation: Friends & FamilyThe Foundation: Friends and Family
This is the name of the dog show event that I went to on Saturday(June 6th, 2009). This isn't your average Dog show. This is THE DOG SHOW in which the only breed to be present is American Pit Bull Terrier(APBT), more specifically towards the Bully Breeds. Here is a couple of pictures from the event.
This one is my favorite. She's from, a local kennel here in fresno that breeds Pocket Pits. I'm starting to like the Pocket Pits now because of their smaller in size and super stacked bodies. Plus they are super cute. Her son is pictured here...
Overall I had a great time. I just wish I could have brought Yoshi to this event because I know he would have a blast smelling doggy butts! Here is a link to more pictures at the event. Just click on the picture link and you can view all photos taken at the dog show.
What a busy weekend. It really went by so fast that I got to go to work tomorrow already. Plus I didn't even get to wash my car and wax it. Maybe it'll have to wait...again...This weekend was all about my little blue hippo Yoshi. Well it's getting late and I need my sleep like Yoshi does. Say "good night" Yoshi.
good night.